The EU-funded METICOS project aims to create an up-to-date acceptance classification scheme as well as a societal and ethical impact dashboard of border control technologies, to empower three major sub-divisions of the wider border control sector: travelers, border control authorities and service providers.
METICOS has a focus on established models and theories, such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) METICOS will focus on established models and theories, such as the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) and Innovation Diffusion Theory. In addition, performance and credibility expectations of smart border technologies from travelers, border management and law enforcement agencies will be explored in detail. As such, METICOS aims to create a holistic solution to address challenges for border management, both as regards societal acceptance and efficiency.

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TRESSPASS is a European research project in the H2020 framework and Border and External Security thematic area, receiving EU funding under GA 787120. The overall scope of TRESSPASS is to modernize the way the security checks at border crossing points (BCPs) are held out at land, air and sea. TRESSPASS imports the concept of “risk-based” security checks and proposes an analytic framework for modelling risk as well as a systematic approach of quantifying risk, based on a set of indicators ranging from real-time behaviour analytics to intelligent information extraction and sharing that can accurately be measured across all four tiers of the EU Integrated Border Management: (1) measures undertaken in, or jointly with third countries or service providers; (2) cooperation with neighbouring countries; (3) border control and counter-smuggling measures, and (4) control measures within the area of free movement.

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FIDELITY (Fast and trustworthy Identity Delivery and check with ePassports leveraging Traveler privacy) was a FP7 funded project that ran from February 2012 to January 2016 under Grant agreement 284862, Coordinated by Idemia Identity & Security France with 21 partners and a total budget of 18.9M€. Its objectives were to provide enhanced solutions to (1) secure issuing processes, (2) improve ePassport security and usability, (3) better manage lost and stolen passports, (4) strengthen privacy.

Visit: fidelity-project